'barcaflickr_metadata.pkl' is another python3 pickle file This file contains metadata of images collected from Flickr's publicly available API from 'Barcelona'. This data was used in sec 4.4 of the main paper It stores a dict consisting of 5 things: 1. attributes: Same as in metadata.pkl 2. categories: Same as in metadata.pkl 3. classifications: Data is stored in same format as before except that it only has a single city 'Barcelona' Example: print(data['classifications']['Barcelona']['2013_02'].shape) > (341, 12) # Images from 2nd week of 2013 in Barcelona has a total of 341 detected person. # Each row corresponds to predictions of the CNN for the 12 attributes 4. urls: Since the Flickr data is publicly available we provide URLs to the image link on Flickr's website Example: print(data['urls']['Barcelona']['2013_02'].shape) > (341, ) # URLs of images from 2nd week of 2013 in Barcelona 5. crops: Bounding box of detected person in corresponding to each image in the format Y1, Y2, X1, X2 Example: print(data['crops']['Barcelona']['2013_02'].shape) > (341, 4) # Bounding box of person in images from 2nd week of 2013 in Barcelona